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  • M. Sovago, G.W.H. Wurpel, M. Smits, M. Müller and M. Bonn, Calcium induced phospholipid ordering depends on surface pressure, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 11079-11084 (2007)

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  • I.S. Nikolaev, P. Lodahl, A.F. van Driel, A.F. Koenderink and W.L. Vos, Strongly nonexponential time-resolved fluorescence of quantum-dot ensembles in three-dimensional photonic crystals, Phys. Rev. B 75, (Article number: 115302), 1-5 (2007)

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  • A.F. Koenderink, R. de Waele, J.C. Prangsma and A. Polman, Experimental evidence for large dynamic effects on the plasmon dispersion of subwavelength metal nanoparticle waveguides, Phys. Rev. B 76, (Article number: 201403), 1-4 (2007)

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  • A.F. Koenderink, J.V. Hernández, F. Robicheaux, L.D. Noordam and A. Polman, Programmable nanolithography with plasmon nanoparticle arrays, Nano Lett. 7, 745-749 (2007)

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  • H. Mertens, A.F. Koenderink and A. Polman, Plasmon-enhanced luminescence near noble-metal nanospheres: Comparison of exact theory and an improved Gersten and Nitzan model, Phys. Rev. B 76, (Article number: 115123), 1-12 (2007)

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  • R. de Waele, A.F. Koenderink and A. Polman, Tunable nanoscale localization of energy on plasmon particle arrays, Nano Lett. 7, 2004-2008 (2007)

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