• S. Bidault and A. Polman, Water-based assembly and purification of plasmon-coupled gold nanoparticle dimers and trimers, Int. J. Opt. 2012, (Article number: 387274), 1-5 (2012)

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  • M.J. Morelli, R.J. Allen and P.R. ten Wolde, Effects of macromolecular crowding on genetic networks, Biophys. J. 101, 2882-2891 (2011)

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  • M.A. Verschuuren, P. Gerlach, H.A. van Sprang and A. Polman, Improved performance of polarization-stable VCSELs by monolithic sub-wavelength gratings produced by soft nano-imprint lithography, Nanotechnology 22, (50, Article number: 505201), 1-9 (2011)

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  • S.R.K. Rodriguez, A. Abass, B. Maes, O.T.A. Janssen, G. Vecchi and J. Gómez Rivas, Coupling bright and dark plasmonic lattice resonances, Phys. Rev. X 1, (2, Article number: 21019), 1-7 (2011)

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  • D.F. Smith, Errol W. Robinson, A.V. Tolmachev, R.M.A. Heeren and Ljiljana Pasa-Tolic, C60 Secondary Ion Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry, Anal. Chem. 83, (24), 9552-9556 (2011)

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  • W. Siu, F. Kelkensberg, G. Gademann, A. Rouzée, P. Johnsson, D. Dowek, M. Lucchini, F. Calegari, U. De Giovannini, A. Rubio, R.R. Lucchese, H. Kono, F. Lépine and M.J.J. Vrakking, Attosecond control of dissociative ionization of O2 molecules, Phys. Rev. A 84, (6, Article number: 63412), 1-4 (2011)

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  • X. Bendaña, A. Polman and F.J. García de Abajo, Single-photon generation by electron beams, Nano Lett. 11, (12), 5099-5103 (2011)

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  • G. Gademann, Expanding the attosecond toolbox : demonstration of novel experiments, new light sources and detectors, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2011-12-12

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  • J. Cox, R.M.A. Heeren, P. James, J.V. Jorrin-Novo, E. Kolker, F. Levander, N. Morrice, P. Picotti, P.G. Righetti, J.- C. Sánchez, C.W. Turck, R. Zubarev, B.M. Alexandre, F.J. Corrales, G. Marko-Varga, S. O'Donovan, S. O'Neil, J. Prechl, T. Simões, W. Weckwerth and D. Penque, Facing challenges in Proteomics today and in the coming decade: Report of Roundtable Discussions at the 4th EuPA Scientific Meeting, Portugal, Estoril 2010, J. Proteomics 75, (1), 4-17 (2011)

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  • Ernst Jan R. Vesseur and A. Polman, Controlled spontaneous emission in plasmonic whispering gallery antennas, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, (Article number: 231112), 1-3 (2011)

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