Water-based assembly and purification of plasmon-coupled gold nanoparticle dimers and trimers

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DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/387274
Reference S. Bidault and A. Polman, Water-based assembly and purification of plasmon-coupled gold nanoparticle dimers and trimers, Int. J. Opt. 2012, (Article number: 387274), 1-5 (2012)
Group Photonic Materials

We describe a simple one-pot water based scheme to produce gold nanoparticle groupings with short interparticle spacings. This approach combines a cross-linking molecule and a hydrophilic passivation layer to control the level of induced aggregation. Suspensions of dimers and trimers are readily obtained using a single electrophoretic purification step. The final interparticle spacings allow efficient coupling of the particle plasmon modes as verified in extinction spectroscopy.