Mass spectrometry of natural and synthetic lignin polymers: on the detection of coumaryl units by in-source pyrolysis mass spectrometry

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Reference E.R.E. van der Hage, T.L. Weeding and J.J. Boon: Mass spectrometry of natural and synthetic lignin polymers: on the detection of coumaryl units by in-source pyrolysis mass spectrometry In: Applications of Modern Mass Spectrometry in Plant Science Research /ed. R.P. Newton and T.J. Walton, Clarendon, 1996. - pp. 117-138

Lignin constitutes approximately 25-35% of the dry weight of wood and provides wood with its unique elastic and structural properties. In contrast to cellulose, which is formed by all plants, the formation of lignified cell walls is unique to vascular plants adapted to life on land, and enables the development of large upright forms and conduction systems for aqueous solutions. The current status of plant lignification in terms of its biological and biochemical aspects has been reviewed by Freudenberg and Neish (1968), Wardrop (1971), Gross (1985), Higuchi (1985), and Lewis and Yamamoto (1990).