Light-induced singly and doubly excited states of the negative hydrogen ion

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Reference H.G. Muller and M. Gavrila: Light-induced singly and doubly excited states of the negative hydrogen ion In: The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions : XVIII International Conference, Aarhus, Denmark 1993 /ed. T. Andersen, B. Fastrup, F. Folkmann, H. Knudsen and N. Andersen, American Institute of Physics, 1993. - pp. 115-124

We present a fully correlated ab-initio calculation of electronic states of H- in a strong electromagnetic field, in the high-frequency limit. We find a nonmonotonic increase of the detachment energy with increasing field intensity, to a value larger than that of the unperturbed H- ion. Several light-induced bound states do appear, among which doubly excited states. Curves giving the binding energies of these states as a function of intensity are presented.