Increasing photoluminescence quantum yield by nanophotonic design of quantum-confined halide perovskite nanowire arrays

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Reference D. Zhang, L. Gu, Q. Zhang, Y. Lin, DH. Lien, M. Kam, S. Poddar, E.C. Garnett, A. Javey and Z. Fan, Increasing photoluminescence quantum yield by nanophotonic design of quantum-confined halide perovskite nanowire arrays, Nano Lett. 19, (5), 2850-2857 (2019)
Group Nanoscale Solar Cells

High photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) is required to reach optimal performance in solar cells, lasers and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Typically, PLQY can be increased by improving the material quality to reduce the non-radiative recombination rate. It is in principle equally effective to improve the optical design by nanostructuring a material to increase light out-coupling efficiency and introduce quantum confinement, both of which can increase the radiative recombination rate. However, increased surface recombination typically minimizes nanostructure gains in PLQY. Here a template guided vapor phase growth of CH3NH3PbI3 nanowire (NW) arrays with unprecedented control of NW diameter from the bulk (250 nm) to the quantum-confined regime (5.7 nm) is demonstrated, while simultaneously providing a low surface recombination velocity of 18 cm s-1. This enables a 56-fold increase in the internal PLQY, from 0.81 % to 45.1 %, and a 2.3-fold increase in light out-coupling efficiency to increase the external PLQY by a factor of 130, from 0.33 % up to 42.6 %, exclusively using nanophotonic design.