Publications - Physics of Cellular Interactions

  • L. Van de Cauter, Minimal Phagocyte: A bottom-up synthetic biology approach to studying phagocytosis, Delft University of Technology, 2024-07-08

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  • C. Niederauer, Development of Advanced Single-Molecule Fluorescence Microscopy Techniques and their Application for the Study of Protein-Protein Interactions in the Context of Immunological Signaling, Vrije Universiteit, 2023-10-19

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  • C. Niederauer, C. Nguyen, M. Wang-Henderson, J. Stein, S. Strauss, A. Cumberworth, F. Stehr, R. Jungmann, P. Schwille and K.A. Ganzinger, Dual-color DNA-PAINT single-particle tracking enables extended studies of membrane protein interactions, Nature Commun. 14, (1), 4345: 1-8 (2023)

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  • L. Van de Cauter, L. van Buren, G.H. Koenderink and K.A. Ganzinger, Exploring Giant Unilamellar Vesicle Production for Artificial Cells – Current Challenges and Future Directions, Small Methods, 2300416: 1-13 (2023)

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  • C. Niederauer, M. Seynen, J. Zomerdijk, M. Kamp and K.A. Ganzinger, The K2: Open-source simultaneous triple-color TIRF microscope for live-cell and single-molecule imaging, HardwareX 13, e00404: 1-19 (2023)

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  • L. Van de Cauter, Y. Jawale, D. Tam, L. Baldauf, G.H. Koenderink, A.M. Dogterom and K.A. Ganzinger, High-speed imaging of giant unilamellar vesicle production in cDICE, Biophys. J. 122, (3 S1), 300a-301a (2023)

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  • K.A. Ganzinger, C. Bonfio and A.P. Liu, Editorial: From reconstituting minimal cell-cell signaling systems to bioinspired synthetic communication networks, Front. Mol. Biosci. 9, 979163: 1-2 (2022)

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  • F. Stehr, J. Stein, J. Bauer, C. Niederauer, R. Jungmann, K.A. Ganzinger and P. Schwille, Tracking single particles for hours via continuous DNA-mediated fluorophore exchange, Nature Commun. 12, (1), 4432: 1-8 (2021)

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  • C. Niederauer, M. Wang-Henderson, J. Stein, F. Stehr, J. Bauer, R. Jungmann, P. Schwille and K.A. Ganzinger, Single-molecule studies of membrane protein interactions via continuous DNA-mediated fluorophore exchange, Eur. Biophys. J. with Biophysics Letters 50, (SI), 54-54 (2021)

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  • L. Van de Cauter, F. Fanalista, L. van Buren, N. De Franceschi, E. Godino, S. Bouw, C. Denelon, C. Dekker, G.H. Koenderink and K.A. Ganzinger, Optimized cDICE for Efficient Reconstitution of Biological Systems in Giant Unilamellar Vesicles, ACS Synth. Biol. 10, (7), 1690-1702 (2021)

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