Publications - Photonic Materials

  • H. Mertens and A. Polman, Strong luminescence quantum-efficiency enhancement near prolate metal nanoparticles: Dipolar versus higher-order modes, J. Appl. Phys. 105, (Article number: 44302), 1-8 (2009)

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  • T. Lu, L. Yang, R.V.A. van Loon, A. Polman and K.J. Vahala, On-chip green silica upconversion microlaser, Opt. Lett. 34, 482-484 (2009)

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  • F.J. Beck, S. Mokkapati, A. Polman and K.R. Catchpole: Light trapping for solar cells using localised surface plasmons in self-assembled AG nanoparticles In: Proceedings of the 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference Hamburg, 21-25 September 2009, [WIP], 2009. - pp. 232-235

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  • K.R. Catchpole and A. Polman, Plasmonic solar cells, Opt. Express 16, (26), 21793-21800 (2008)

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  • E. Verhagen, J.A. Dionne, L.K. Kuipers, H.A. Atwater and A. Polman, Near-field visualization of strongly confined surface plasmon polaritons in metal-insulator-metal waveguides, Nano Lett. 8, 2925-2929 (2008)

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  • J.J. Penninkhof, A. Moroz, A. van Blaaderen and A. Polman, Optical properties of spherical and oblate spheroidal gold shell colloids, J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 4146-4150 (2008)

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  • R.J. Walters, R.V.A. van Loon, A. Polman, I. Brunets, G. Piccolo and J. Schmitz: Luminescence properties of silicon nanocrystals in Al2O3 fabricated at low temperature In: IEEE LEOS, 5th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, Sorrento, Italy, 17-19 September 2008, [s.n.], 2008. - pp. 41-42

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  • T.G. Euser, A.J. Molenaar, J.G. Fleming, B. Gralak, A. Polman and W.L. Vos, All-optical octave-broad ultrafast switching of Si woodpile photonic band gap crystals, Phys. Rev. B 77, (Article number: 115214), 1-6 (2008)

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  • R.V.A. van Loon, K.R. Catchpole and A. Polman: Photovoltaic effect in Si/SiOx heterostructures In: IEEE LEOS, 5th International Conference on Group IV Photonics, Sorrento, Italy, 17-19 September 2008, [s.n.], 2008. - pp. 393-394

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  • S. Bidault, F.J. García de Abajo and A. Polman, Plasmon-based nanolenses assembled on a well-defined DNA template, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 2750-2751 (2008)

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