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R. Leijssen, G.R. La Gala, L. Freisem, J.T. Muhonen and E. Verhagen, Nonlinear cavity optomechanics with nanomechanical thermal fluctuations, Nature Commun. 8, (Article number: 16024), 1-10 (2017)
M.-A. Miri, F. Ruesink, E. Verhagen and A. Alù, Optical Nonreciprocity Based on Optomechanical Coupling, Phys. Rev. Appl. 7, (6, Article number: 064014), 1-20 (2017)
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N. Parappurath, F. Alpeggiani, L.K. Kuipers and E. Verhagen, The origin and limit of asymmetric transmission in chiral resonators, ACS Photonics 4, (4), 884-890 (2017)
M. Cotrufo, A. Fiore and E. Verhagen, Coherent Atom-Phonon Interaction through Mode Field Coupling in Hybrid Optomechanical Systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, (13, Article number: 133603), 1-5 (2017)