Femtosecond mid-IR pump-probe spectroscopy of liquid water: Evidence for a two-component structure

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Reference S. Woutersen, U. Emmerichs and H.J. Bakker, Femtosecond mid-IR pump-probe spectroscopy of liquid water: Evidence for a two-component structure, Science 278, 658-660 (1997)
Group Ultrafast Spectroscopy

A femtosecond mid-infrared pump-probe study of the vibrational and orientational dynamics of the OH-stretching mode of HDO dissolved in D2O is presented. The orientational relaxation of the HDO molecules was observed to occur on either a very slow or a very fast time scale, with associated time constants of tR = 13 picoseconds and tR = 0.7 picosecond. It was observed that strongly hydrogen-bonded water molecules only relax through the slow orientational relaxation process, whereas the fast process dominates for weakly hydrogen-bonded molecules. This suggests that, with respect to orientional dynamics, two distinct molecular species exist in liquid water.