Far-infrared second-harmonic generation and pulse characterization with the organic salt DAST

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Reference N.A. van Dantzig, P.C.M. Planken and H.J. Bakker, Far-infrared second-harmonic generation and pulse characterization with the organic salt DAST, Opt. Lett. 23, 466-468 (1998)
Group Ultrafast Spectroscopy

We generated the second harmonics of pulses in the far-infrared region (30 – 55 µm), using the organic salt dimethylamino-4-N -methylstilbazolium tosylate (DAST). We demonstrate that DAST can be used to characterize ultrashort pulses in a spectral region where no other materials are available. To illustrate the need for such characterizations, we show the effects of propagation through air on the shape of ultrashort far-infrared pulses.