Dynamics of Si-H vibrations in an amorphous environment

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Reference M. van der Voort, C.W. Rella, L.F.G. van der Meer, A.V. Akimov and J.I. Dijkhuis, Dynamics of Si-H vibrations in an amorphous environment, Phys.Rev.Lett. 84, 1236-1239 (2000)

We present results of the first vibrational photon-echo, transient-grating, and temperature dependent transient-bleaching experiments on a-Si:H. Using these techniques, and the infrared light of a free electron laser, the vibrational population decay and phase relaxation of the Si-H stretching mode were investigated. Careful analysis of the data indicates that the vibrational energy relaxes directly into Si-H bending modes and Si phonons, with a distribution of rates determined by the amorphous host. Conversely, the pure dephasing appears to be single exponential, and can be modeled by dephasing via two-phonon interactions.