Criteria for the observation of strong-field photoelectron holography

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Reference Tatiana Marchenko, Y. Huismans, K.J. Schafer and M.J.J. Vrakking, Criteria for the observation of strong-field photoelectron holography, Phys. Rev. A 84, (5, Article number: 53427), 1-5 (2011)

Photoelectron holography is studied experimentally and computationally using the ionization of ground-state xenon atoms by intense near-infrared radiation. A strong dependence of the occurrence of the holographic pattern on the laser wavelength and intensity is observed, and it is shown that the observation of the hologram requires that the ponderomotive energy Up is substantially larger than the photon energy. The holographic interference is therefore favored by longer wavelengths and higher laser intensities. Our results indicate that the tunneling regime is not a necessary condition for the observation of the holographic pattern, which can be observed under the conditions formally attributed to the multiphoton regime.