Characterization of a Rydberg atom-based streak camera operating in synchroscan mode

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Reference C.W. Rella, A.F.G. van der Meer and L.D. Noordam, Characterization of a Rydberg atom-based streak camera operating in synchroscan mode, Opt. Commun. 180, 141-146 (2000)

A streak camera that operates in synchroscan mode has been developed with a spectral response throughout the infrared. A gas-phase sample of Rydberg atoms is used as a photocathode. This compact device possesses 5 ps time resolution and can be used with a total infrared energy of about 1 nJ, or 10-7 of the total macropulse energy of the FELIX free electron laser. This combination of characteristics makes it not only an attractive device for use in a variety of infrared experiments, but also a powerful tool for the study of photo-induced electron emission in atomic systems. As an example, a Rydberg-atom based electron gun which produces about 20 pulses of electrons at a 70 GHz repetition frequency has been characterized using this synchroscan streak camera.