Backbone effects on the anchoring of side-chain polymer liquid crystals

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Reference B. Jérôme, J.M. Commandeur and W.H. de Jeu, Backbone effects on the anchoring of side-chain polymer liquid crystals, Liq. Cryst. 22, 685-692 (1997)

By comparing the anchoring behaviour of (end-on) side chain polymer liquid crystals with that of the corresponding low molecular mass liquid crystals, we have studied the effect of the backbone on the anchoring of side chain polymer liquid crystals. We can distinguish two different effects: the loss of rotational freedom of the side groups and the interaction of the polymer chain with the surface. In the case of free surfaces, we can formulate a general rule stating that compounds with side groups ending with an aliphatic chain (at least four carbon atoms long) exhibit a homeotropic anchoring, and compounds with side groups ending with a polar group exhibit a planar anchoring.