Atomic streak camera operating in the extreme ultraviolet

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Reference J.B.M. Warntjes, A. Gürtler, A. Osterwalder, F. Rosca-Pruna, M.J.J. Vrakking and L.D. Noordam, Atomic streak camera operating in the extreme ultraviolet, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72, 3205-3207 (2001)

We present a new type of streak camera to measure the temporal shape of pulses in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) region: A cloud of noble gas atoms is used as a photocathode. The first results at 57 nm show a time resolution of 10 ps. Modifications to improve the time resolution are discussed. Using a noble gas as a photocathode has the potential to decrease the temporal resolution of the streak camera in the XUV to less than 0.5 ps.