ing. Marco Seynen

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Department: Software Engineering

Selected publications

  • K. Bielec, K. Sozansky, M. Seynen, Z. Dziekan, P.R. ten Wolde and R. Holyst, Kinetics and equilibrium constants of oligonucleotides at low concentrations. Hybridization and melting study, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, (20), 10798-10807 (2019)

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  • M.J. Rost, L. Crama, P. Schakel, E. van Tol, G.B.E.M. van Velzen-Williams, C.F. Ovegauw, H. ter Horst, H. Dekker, C.B. Okhuijsen, M. Seynen, A.J.M. Vijftigschild, P.Y. Han, A.J. Katan, K. Schoots, R. Schumm, W. van Loo, T.H. Oosterkamp and J.W.M. Frenken, Scanning probe microscopes go video rate and beyond, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, (Article number: 53710), 1-9 (2005)

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  • T.H. Mize, I.M. Taban Barbu, M.C. Duursma, M. Seynen, M. Konijnenburg, A.J.M. Vijftigschild, C.J. van Doornik, G.J. van Rooij and R.M.A. Heeren, A modular data and control system to impove sensitivity, selectivity, speed of analysis, ease of use, and transient duration in an external source FTICR-MS, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 235, 243-253 (2004)

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