
Kristina Ganzinger connected to Oncode Institute as Junior Investigator

Published on November 7, 2023
Category Physics of Cellular Interactions

AMOLF group leader Kristina Ganzinger has been selected by the Oncode Institute to join as Junior Investigator. The institute selected 10 junior investigators out of 72 applicants. The researchers were selected based on the quality of their science, expertise and potential to contribute to the mission of Oncode Institute: to accelerate breakthrough discoveries and speed up their translation into new diagnostics and treatments for cancer patients. Ganzinger will also continue her work at AMOLF leading the group Physics of Cellular Interactions.

Ganzinger’s work revolves around developing high end microscopy to image cell membranes at a single molecule resolution. This allows her to reveal mechanisms of signal transduction and activation in immune cells. She plans to study temporal and spatial regulation of immune cell signalling at molecular detail in cell – membrane or cell – cell contacts. Being an Oncode Young Investigator gives her the freedom to pursue some more explorative projects related to cancer research. Her Oncode affiliation also facilitates valorization of results and connects her group and AMOLF more closely to the Dutch Oncology Research community across academia and industry.