
Huib Bakker re-installed

Published on February 8, 2021
foto: L. Helmbrecht

AMOLF director Huib Bakker has been re-installed by the NWO-I Foundation Board for a period of five years.

With Huib Bakker continuing as director, he and his management team are able to continue executing their strategy for the coming period. Bakker says: “AMOLF is a wonderful institute where motivated people establish excellent science and smart engineering. The main strength of the institute is that people feel strongly connected to AMOLF and want to help each other. I am happy that I get the opportunity to continue leading the people of AMOLF.”

Huib Bakker became director of AMOLF on February 1st, 2016. In addition to this role he also leads the AMOLF research group Ultrafast Spectroscopy and he is professor by special appointment at the Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences of the University of Amsterdam.