Ultrafast evolution of photonic eigenstates in k-space

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DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nphys576
Reference R.J.P. Engelen, Y. Sugimoto, H. Gersen, N. Ikeda, K. Asakawa and L.K. Kuipers, Ultrafast evolution of photonic eigenstates in k-space, Nature Phys. 3, 401-405 (2007)

Periodic structures have a large influence on propagating waves. This holds for various types of waves over a large range of length scales: from electrons in atomic crystals and light in photonic crystals to acoustic waves in sonic crystals. The eigenstates of these waves are best described with a band structure, which represents the relation between the energy and the wavevector (k). This relation is usually not straightforward: owing to the imposed periodicity, bands are folded into every Brillouin zone, inducing splitting of bands and the appearance of bandgaps. As a result, exciting phenomena such as negative refraction, autocollimation ofwaves and lowgroup velocities arise. k-space investigations of electronic eigenstates have already yielded new insights into the behaviour of electrons at surfaces and in novel materials. However, for a complete characterization of a structure, an understanding of the mutual coupling of eigenstates is also essential. Here, we investigate the propagation of light pulses through a photonic crystal structure using a near-field microscope. Tracking the evolution of the photonic eigenstates in both k-space and time allows us to identify individual eigenstates and to uncover their dynamics and coupling to other eigenstates on femtosecond timescales even when co-localized in real space and time.