Ultimate fast optical switching of a planar microcavity in the telecom wavelength range

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DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3580615
Reference G. Ctistis, E. Yuce, A. Hartsuiker, J. Claudon, M. Bazin, J.-M. Gérard and W.L. Vos, Ultimate fast optical switching of a planar microcavity in the telecom wavelength range, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, (16, Article number: 161114), 1-3 (2011)

We have studied a GaAs–AlAs planar microcavity with a resonance near 1300 nm in the telecom range by ultrafast pump-probe reflectivity. By the judicious choice of pump frequency, we observe an ultimate fast and reversible decrease in the resonance frequency by more than half a linewidth due to the instantaneous electronic Kerr effect. The switch-on and switch-off of the cavity is only limited by the cavity storage time of τcav = 0.3 ps and not by intrinsic material parameters. Our results pave the way to supraterahertz switching rates for on-chip data modulation and real-time cavity quantum electrodynamics.
Incl. erratum Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 199901 1-1 (2011).