• Y. Huismans, Probing structure and dynamics with photoelectrons generated in strong fields, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2012-05-02

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  • M.G.J. de Vos, Empirical adaptive landscapes in variable environments, Delft University of Technology, 2012-01-31

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  • L. Piatkowski, Water interacting with interfaces, ions and itself, University of Amsterdam UvA, 2012-01-27

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  • G. Gademann, Expanding the attosecond toolbox : demonstration of novel experiments, new light sources and detectors, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2011-12-12

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  • I.K. Piechocka, Biopolymers: from structural hierarchy to nonlinear rheology, VU University Amsterdam, 2011-11-23

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  • E.R. Amstalden van Hove, New methods for multimodal MS imaging of histological tissue sections, Utrecht University, 2011-11-21

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  • P.S. Scalia, Optical noise and mesoscopic correlations in random media, University of Amsterdam UvA, 2011-11-02

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  • M. Soares e Silva, Structure and dynamics of active actin myosin networks : an in vitro perspective, VU University Amsterdam, 2011-10-21

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  • S. Faez, Universal wave phenomena in multiple scattering media, University of Amsterdam UvA, 2011-09-16

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  • Y. Zhang, Long-range surface polaritons in thin layers of absorbing materials, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2011-09-12

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