Time-dependent fragment distributions detected via pump-probe ionisation: a theoretical approach

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Reference J. Degert, C. Meier, B. Girard and M.J.J. Vrakking, Time-dependent fragment distributions detected via pump-probe ionisation: a theoretical approach, Eur. Phys. J. D 14, 257-265 (2001)

We show how in molecular predissociation a method combining ultrafast pump-probe techniques with a measurement of the relative recoil velocity can map time-dependent neutral fragment distributions into the ionic continuum. With an appropriate probe pulse exciting a resonant transition (such as (1+1) Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionisation, or excitation of ZEKE states), the temporal evolution of fragment distributions can in principle be measured. Numerical simulations on NaI predissociation are compared to a simple approximate mapping interpretation. The results are discussed in terms of the interplay between temporal and energetic resolution with respect to current experimental limitations.