Thermal switching of the scattering coefficients of terahertz surface plasmon polaritons impinging on a finite array of subwavelength grooves on semiconductor surfaces

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Reference J.A Sánchez-Gil and J. Gómez Rivas, Thermal switching of the scattering coefficients of terahertz surface plasmon polaritons impinging on a finite array of subwavelength grooves on semiconductor surfaces, Phys. Rev. B 73, (Article number: 205410), 1-8 (2006)

We present a theoretical framework that allows us to investigate the scattering of terahertz surface plasmon polaritons (SPP’s) by arrays of subwavelength grooves and ridges on semiconductors. The formulation is based on the reduced Rayleigh equation resulting upon imposing an impedance boundary condition. Guided by approximate estimations of the broadening with temperature of the first gap in the SPP dispersion relation in the case of indium antimonide samples with rectangular grooves, numerical calculations are carried out to determine the spectral dependence of all the SPP scattering channels (reflection, transmission, and radiation) in the immediate vicinity of that gap. The thermally induced switching of the SPP reflection and transmission nearby the lower SPP band edge is investigated as a function of groove parameters (size and number); near-field intensity maps are also presented. We thus shed light on the SPP scattering and switching physical mechanisms, thereby providing the most suitable experimental configurations.