The Dutch-Belgian beamline at the ESRF

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Reference M. Borsboom, W. Bras, J. Cerjak, D. Detollenaere, D. Glastra van Loon, P. Goedtkindt, M. Konijnenburg, P. Lassing, Y.K. Levine, B. Munneke, M. Oversluizen, R. van Tol and E. Vlieg, The Dutch-Belgian beamline at the ESRF, J. Synchrotron Radiat. 5, 518-520 (1998)

A brief description is given of the design principles and layout of the Dutch-Belgian beamline at the ESRF. This beamline optimizes the use of the available bending-magnet radiation fan by splitting the beam into two branches, each accommodating two experimental techniques.