Surface energetics and dynamics measured from STM movies

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Reference M.S. Hoogeman, D.C. Schlößer, J.-B. Sanders, L.K. Kuipers, M.F. Chang, M.A.J. Klik, D. Glastra van Loon, R.W.M. Loos, J.J. van der Linden and J.W.M. Frenken: Surface energetics and dynamics measured from STM movies In: Surface Diffusion : Atomistic and Collective Processes /ed. M.C. Tringides, Plenum, 1997. - pp. 463-474

We describe a high-speed programmable-temperature scanning tunneling microscope (STM) for the study of dynamical processes and the measurement of various energies on metal surfaces. The programmable-temperature STM operates in the temperature range from 60 to 1000 K. Over a temperature window of 300 K it can keep one particular surface area in view. We present two experimental results obtained with this instrument. The first concerns the energetics of a vicinal surface, Ag(115), and their relation with the surface roughening transition. The second treats the diffusion dynamics of kinks in steps on the (110) surface of Au.