Structural arrest in an ideal gas

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Reference W. van Ketel, C. Das and D. Frenkel, Structural arrest in an ideal gas, Phys.Rev.Lett. 94, (Article number: 135703), 1-4 (2005)

We report a molecular dynamics study of a simple model system that has the static properties of an ideal gas, yet exhibits nontrivial “glassy” dynamics behavior at high densities. The constituent molecules of this system are constructs of three infinitely thin hard rods of length L, rigidly joined at their midpoints. The crosses have random but fixed orientation. The static properties of this system are those of an ideal gas, and its collision frequency can be computed analytically. For number densities NL3/V >> 1, the single-particle diffusivity goes to zero. As the system is completely structureless, standard mode-coupling theory cannot describe the observed structural arrest. Nevertheless, the system exhibits many dynamical features that appear to be mode-coupling-like. All high-density incoherent intermediate scattering functions collapse onto master curves that depend only on the wave vector.