Strong-field photoionization revisited

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Reference C.I. Blaga, F. Catoire, P. Colosimo, G.G. Paulus, H.G. Muller, Pierre Agostini and L.F. DiMauro, Strong-field photoionization revisited, Nature Phys. 5, (5), 335-338 (2009)

Over the past thirty years, extensive studies of strong-field photoionization of atoms have revealed both quantum and classical aspects including above-threshold ionization1, electron wave-packet drift, quiver and rescattering motions. Increasingly sophisticated spectroscopic techniques2 and sculpted laser pulses3 coupled with theoretical advances have led to a seemingly complete picture of this fundamental laser-atom interaction. Here, we describe an effect that seems to have escaped observation: the photoelectron energy distribution manifests an unexpected characteristic spike-like structure at low energy, which becomes prominent using mid-infrared laser wavelengths (λ> 1:0 μm). The low-energy structure is observed in all atoms and molecules investigated and thus seems to be universal. The structure is qualitatively reproduced by numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation but its physical origin is not yet identified.