Statistical mechanics for computer simulators

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Reference D. Frenkel: Statistical mechanics for computer simulators In: Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics of Condensed Matter Systems : Euroconference on Computer Simulation in Condensed Matter Physics and Chemistry, Como, 3-28 July 1995 /ed. K. Binder and G. Ciccotti, Italian Physical Society, 1996. - pp. 3-42

Contents: 1 Introduction 1.1 Who needs statistical mechanics? 2 Entropy and temperature 2.1 System at constant temperature 2.2 Other ensembles 3 Fluctuations 3.1 Histograms and Landau Free energies 4 Classical Statistical Mechanics 4.1 Ergodicity 5 Free energy and phase behaviour 5.1 Thermodynamci Intergration 5.2 Tracing coexistence curves 6 Perturbation Theory 6.1 Perturbation theory for hard-core systems? 7 Mean-field theory 8 Onsager’s regression hypothesis 9 Linear Response Theory 9.1 Static response 9.2 Dynamic response 9.3 Dissipation 9.4 Rare Events