Size Laws and Division Ring Dynamics in Filamentous Escherichia coli cells

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Reference M. Wehrens, D. Ershov, R. Rozendaal, N. Walker, D. Schultz, R. Kishony, P.A. Levin and S.J. Tans, Size Laws and Division Ring Dynamics in Filamentous Escherichia coli cells, Current Biol. 28, (6), 972-979 (2018)
Group Biophysics

Wehrens, Ershov, et al. report a new size-control mechanism in *E. coli* cells that have elongated due to stress. Multiple division rings are continuously rearranged in response to growth and division to control daughter cell size when divisions resume. Divisions are spatially controlled by the Min system and temporally by the adder principle.