Single-photon nanoantennas

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Reference A.F. Koenderink, Single-photon nanoantennas, ACS Photonics 4, (4), 710-722 (2017)
Group Resonant Nanophotonics

Single-photon nanoantennas are broadband strongly scattering nanostructures placed in the near field of a single quantum emitter, with the goal to enhance the coupling between the emitter and far-field radiation channels. Recently, great strides have been made in the use of nanoantennas to realize fluorescence brightness enhancements, and Purcell enhancements, of several orders of magnitude. This perspective reviews the key figures of merit by which single-photon nanoantenna performance is quantified and the recent advances in measuring these metrics unambiguously. Next, this perspective discusses what the state of the art is in terms of fluoresent brightness enhancements, Purcell factors, and directivity control on the level of single photons. Finally, I discuss future challenges for single-photon nanoantennas.