Signature of a three-dimensional photonic band gap observed on silicon inverse woodpile photonic crystals

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Reference S.R. Huisman, R.V. Nair, L.A. Woldering, M.D. Leistikow, A.P. Mosk and W.L. Vos, Signature of a three-dimensional photonic band gap observed on silicon inverse woodpile photonic crystals, Phys. Rev. B 83, (20, Article number: 205313), 1-7 (2011)

We have studied the reflectivity of CMOS-compatible three-dimensional silicon inverse woodpile photonic crystals at near-infrared frequencies. Polarization-resolved reflectivity spectra were obtained from two orthogonal crystal surfaces using an objective with a high numerical aperture. The spectra reveal broad peaks with maximum reflectivity of 67% that are independent of the spatial position on the crystals. The spectrally overlapping reflectivity peaks for all directions and polarizations form the signature of a broad photonic band gap with a relative bandwidth up to 16%. This signature is supported with stop gaps in plane-wave band-structure calculations and with the frequency region of the expected band gap.