Secondary electron emission measurements on synthetic diamond films

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Reference H.J. Hopman, J. Verhoeven, P.K. Bachmann, H. Wilson and R. Kroon, Secondary electron emission measurements on synthetic diamond films, Diamond Relat. Mater. 8, 1033-1038 (1999)

During the electron irradiation of synthetic diamond films, three successive regims are encountered as a function of the electron dose: (1) a reduction of the downward band bending of energy levels at the sample surface because an excess of secondary electrons leaves the sample; (2) the creation of an internal electric field in which secondary electrons drift to the surface, leading to an appreciable increase in the secondary emission and to a linear relation between the primary electron energy and the secondary electron field; and (3) the desorption of hydrogen terminating the carbon surface bonds. The secondary emission thus decreases to very low values. The rate of decrease of secondary emission is similar for C:H- and C:H:Ba-terminated diamond surfaces.