Room-temperature luminescence from Er-implanted semi-insulating polycrystalline silicon

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Reference S. Lombardo, S.U. Campisano, G.N. van den Hoven, A. Cacciato and A. Polman, Room-temperature luminescence from Er-implanted semi-insulating polycrystalline silicon, Appl. Phys. Lett. 63, 1942-1944 (1993)
Group Photonic Materials

Semi-insulating polycrystalline silicon films with oxygen concentrations in the range 4-27 at. % were deposited by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition of SiH4 and N2O onto silicon substrates, annealed at 920 °C, and then implanted with 2X 1015 500 keV Er ions/cm2. After annealing at temperatures in the range 300-900°C, the samples show intense room-temperature luminescence around 1.54 µm, characteristic of intra-4ƒ emission from Er3+, upon excitation using an Ar ion laser. The luminescence intensity increases with increasing oxygen concentration in the film. The luminescence is attributed to Er3+ ions in oxygen-rich shells around Si nanograins, excited by a photocarrier-mediated process.