Roadmap on embodying mechano-intelligence and computing in functional materials and structures
This is a roadmap article with multiple contributors on different aspects of embodying intelligence and computing in the mechanical domain of functional materials and structures. Overall, an IOP roadmap article is a broad, multi-author review with leaders in the field discussing the latest developments, commissioned by the editorial board. The intention here is to cover various topics of adaptive structural and material systems with mechano-intelligence in the overall roadmap, with twelve sections in total. These sections cover topics from materials to devices to systems, such as computational metamaterials, neuromorphic materials, mechanical and material logic, mechanical memory, soft matter computing, physical reservoir computing, wave-based computing, morphological computing, mechanical neural networks, plant-inspired intelligence, pneumatic logic circuits, intelligent robotics, and embodying mechano-intelligence for engineering functionalities via physical computing. In this paper, we view all the 2-page sections with equal contributions to the overall roadmap article and thus list the authorship on the front page via alphabetical order of their last names. On the other hand, for each individual section, the authors decide on their own the order of authorship.