Regimes of quantum degeneracy in trapped 1D gases

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Reference D.S. Petrov, G.V. Shlyapnikov and J.T.M. Walraven, Regimes of quantum degeneracy in trapped 1D gases, Phys.Rev.Lett. 85, 3745-3749 (2000)

We discuss the regimes of quantum degeneracy in a trapped 1D gas and obtain the diagram of states. Three regimes have been identified: the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) regimes of a true condensate and quasicondensate, and the regime of a trapped Tonks gas (gas of impenetrable bosons). The presence of a sharp crossover to the BEC regime requires extremely small interaction between particles. We discuss how to distinguish between true and quasicondensates in phase coherence experiments.