• B.J.M. Brenny, Probing light emission at the nanoscale with cathodoluminescence, University of Amsterdam UvA, 2016-06-16

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  • R.S. Frederiksen, E. Alarcón-Lladó, P. Krogstrup, L. Bojarskaite, N. Buch-Månson, J. Bolinsson, J. Nygård, A. Fontcuberta i Morral and K.L. Martinez, Nanowire-Aperture Probe : Local Enhanced Fluorescence Detection for the Investigation of Live Cells at the Nanoscale, ACS Photonics 3, (7), 1208-1216 (2016)

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  • A. de Hoogh, A. Opheij, M. Wulf, N. Rotenberg and L.K. Kuipers, Harmonics generation by surface plasmon polaritons on single nanowires, ACS Photonics 3, (8), 1446-1452 (2016)

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  • F. Domenici, C. Fasolato, E. Mazzi, L. De Angelis, F. Brasili, F. Mura, P. Postorino and F. Bordi, Engineering microscale two-dimensional gold nanoparticle cluster arrays for advanced Raman sensing: An AFM study, Colloids Surf. A 498, 168-175 (2016)

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  • Z.F. Brotzakis, C.C.M. Groot, W.H. Brandenburgo, H.J. Bakker and P.G. Bolhuis, Dynamics of Hydration Water around Native and Misfolded alpha-Lactalbumin, J. Phys. Chem. B 120, (21), 4756-4766 (2016)

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  • L. Langguth, R. Fleury, A. Alù and A.F. Koenderink, The Drexhage's experiment for sound, Phys.Rev.Lett. 116, (Article number: 224301), 1-6 (2016)

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  • M. De Martino, D. Ershov, P.J. van den Berg, S.J. Tans and A.S. Meyer, Single-Cell Analysis of the Dps Response to Oxidative Stress, J. Bacteriol. 198, (11), 1662-1674 (2016)

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  • M. Monti and P.R. ten Wolde, The accuracy of telling time via oscillatory signals, Phys. Biol. 13, (3, SI, Article number: 035005), 1-14 (2016)

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  • Y.L.A. Rezus and O. Selig, Impact of local-field effects on the plasmonic enhancement of vibrational signals by infrared nanoantennas, Opt. Express 24, (11), 2202-2227 (2016)

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