• J. Kistemaker and J. Snieder, Some measurements on a not selfsustaining gas discharge with an axial magnetic field, Physica 19, 950-960 (1953)

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  • J. Kistemaker: The influence of fractionizing and viscosity effects in mass spectrometric gas handling systems In: Mass Spectroscopy in Physics Research : Proc. NBS Semicentennial Symp. on Mass Spectroscopy in Physics Research, NBS on September 6, 7, and 8, 1951, US Dep. of Commerce, 1953. - pp. 243-247

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  • J. Kistemaker: Some mass spectrometrical possibilities in the high mass range of organic molecules In: Symposium de Spectrographie de Mass, Université de Liège, 23 et 24 Octobre 1953, [s.n.], 1953. - pp. 1-4

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  • J. Kistemaker, Vooruitgang in de hoog-vacuum-techniek, NTvN 18, 259-263 (1952)

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  • J. Kistemaker, The influence of fractionizing and viscosity effects in mass spectrometric gas handling systems, Physica 18, 163-176 (1952)

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  • M.E. Reinders, C.J. Zilverschoon and J. Kistemaker, Determination of ion paths in crossed electric and magnetic fields, Appl. Sci. Res. B 2, 264-268 (1952)

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  • M.E. Reinders, Een kleine massaspectrometer als lekkenzoeker en h-d analysator, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1951-07-04

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  • J.D. Hoepelman and J. Schutten, A 3 kVA electronic A.C. stabilizer, Appl. Sci. Res. B 2, 361-366 (1951)

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  • M.E. Reinders, De kwantitatieve bepaling van het deuterium bij het traceronderzoek, Chem. Weekbl. 47, 785-788 (1951)

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  • M.E. Reinders, De massaspectrometer als hulpmiddel in chemie en industrie, Chem. Weekbl. 47, 650-656 (1951)

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