• B.L. Schram, Partial ionization cross sections of noble gases for electrons with energy 0.5-18 keV II. Argon, krypton and xenon, Physica 32, 197-208 (1966)

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  • J. Kistemaker, De confrontatie van de mens A.D. 1966 met de vooruitgang, M. C. 40, 1-4 (1966)

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  • A. Vermeer, H.J. Hopman, T. Matitti and J. Kistemaker: Survey of instabilities in a beam-plasma experiment In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Beograd, 22-27 August 1965, Vol. 2 /ed. B. Perovic and D. Tosic, Gradevinska Knjiga, 1966. - pp. 386-393

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  • C. Snoek, W.F. van der Weg, R. Geballe and P.K. Rol: Study of collision phenomena at copper surfaces In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Beograd, 22-27 August 1965 /ed. B. Perovic and D. Tosic, Gradevinska Knjiga, 1966. - pp. 145-149

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  • J.-B. Sanders, On recoil numbers in crystalline structures, Physica 32, 2197-2200 (1966)

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  • A.J.H. Boerboom, H.W. Reyn, H.F. Vugts and J. Kistemaker: Thermochemistry of antimony and antimony trioxide In: Proceedings of a Conference held in Paris, September 1964 /ed. W.L. Mead, Institute of Petroleum, 1966. - pp. 945-949

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  • B.L. Schram, A.J.H. Boerboom, W. Kleine and J. Kistemaker, Amplification factors of a particle multiplier for multiply charged noble gas ions, Physica 32, 749-761 (1966)

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  • D. Onderdelinden, F.W. Saris and P.K. Rol: Sputtering of F.C.C. single crystals as a function of the angle of incidence of 20 keV Ar+ ions In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Beograd, 22-27 August 1965 /ed. B. Perovic and D. Tosic, Gradevinska Knjiga, 1966. - pp. 157-161

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  • F.J. de Heer, J. Schutten and H.R. Moustafa Moussa, Ionization and electron capture cross sections for protons incident on noble and diatomic gases between 10 and 140 keV, Physica 32, 1766-1792 (1966)

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  • B.L. Schram, M.J. van der Wiel, F.J. de Heer and H.R. Moustafa Moussa, Absolute gross ionization cross sections for electrons (0.6-12 keV) in hydrocarbons, J. Chem. Phys. 44, (1), 49-54 (1966)

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