• D. Onderdelinden, Single-crystal sputtering including the channeling phenomenon, Can. J. Phys. 46, 739-745 (1968)

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  • R. Paul and A.E. de Vries, Separation of gas mixtures in chemical equillibrium in a temperature gradient. II, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 4867-4869 (1968)

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  • J.F.M. Aarts, F.J. de Heer and D.A. Vroom, Emission cross sections of the first negative band system of N2 by electron impact, Physica 40, 197-206 (1968)

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  • J. van den Bos, G.J.M. Winter and F.J. de Heer, Excitation of helium by protons in the 1-150 keV region, Physica 40, 357-384 (1968)

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  • H.J. Hopman, T. Matitti and J. Kistemaker, The electron cyclotron instability and high-frequency ionization in a beam-plasma experiment, Plasma Phys. 10, 1051-1067 (1968)

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  • J. van de Ree, Thermal diffusion of asymmetric hydrogen molecules in inert gases, Leiden University, 1967-10-25

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  • J. van den Bos, Excitation of helium by hydrogen ions in the 1-150 keV region, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1967-06-21

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  • J.W.R. Fennema, On the impact of protons on hydrogen atoms: a study of a theoretical model, VU University Amsterdam, 1967-05-26

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  • H.R. Moustafa Moussa, Excitation of helium by fast electrons and polarization of the resulting radiation, Leiden University, 1967-05-17

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  • A. Tip, The influence of angular momentum anisotropy on the heat conductivity of dilute diatomic gases, Physica 37, 82-96 (1967)

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