• I. Amdur, H. Inouye, A.J.H. Boerboom, A.N. van der Steege, J.H. Los and J. Kistemaker, Elastic scattering of potassium ions in the energy range 150-4000 eV with argon, Physica 41, 566-574 (1969)

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  • J. van den Bos, Excitation of helium by protons and electrons, Physica 42, 245-261 (1969)

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  • W. Tebra, Elektronica en fysica op de Interkama 1968. 2*, Polytech. Tijdschr. 24, 197-199 (1969)

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  • A.P.M. Baede, M.C. Moutinho, A.E. de Vries and J.H. Los, Total cross sections for charge transfer between alkali atoms and halogen molecules, Chem. Phys. Lett. 3, 530-531 (1969)

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  • A.J.H. Boerboom and G. Kleyn, Diffusion coefficients of noble gases in water, J. Chem. Phys. 50, 1086-1088 (1969)

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  • J.W.R. Fennema, On the impact of protons on hydrogen atoms. II Fundamental aspects concerning the parametric treatment, Physica 43, 401-418 (1969)

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  • C.A. Visser, J. Wolleswinkel and J.H. Los, On the interaction of hyperthermal potassium atoms with a tungsten surface, Entropie 30, 61-64 (1969)

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  • J. Politiek and J.H. Los, A new type of surface ionization detector, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 40, 1576-79 (1969)

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  • J. Politiek and J. Kistemaker, The flux distribution of sputtered potassium atoms, Radiat. Eff. 2, 129-131 (1969)

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  • W.A. Oost, On the pressure dependence of the thermal diffusion factor for binary mixtures up to 80 atmospheres, Leiden University, 1968-12-18

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