• J.H.F.M. Schopman, A.K. Barua and J.H. Los: Collision-induced dissociation of (HeH)+ In: Recent Development in Mass Spectroscopy : Proceedings of the International Conference on Mass Spectroscopy, Kyoto /ed. K. Ogata and T. Hayakawa, University of Tokyo Press, 1970. - pp. 888-896

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  • T.F.M. Bonsen and L. Vriens, Angular distribution of electrons ejected by charged particles I. Ionization of He and H2 by protons, Physica 47, 307-319 (1970)

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  • M.J. van der Wiel and F.J. de Heer: Multiple ionization of Ar by 10 KeV electrons as a function of the energy loss In: International Mass Spectrometry Conference : Proceedings, The Institute of Petroleum, 1970. - pp. 172-173

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  • A. Tip, Some aspects of the incluence of a magnetic field on transport phenomena in dilute gases, Leiden University, 1969-06-20

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  • W.F. van der Weg, Large angle scattering of Ar ions from gaseous and solid copper, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1969-05-21

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  • H.J. Hopman, The electron cyclotron instability in a beam-plasma system, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1969-04-16

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  • A.J.H. Boerboom and G. Kleyn, Diffusion coefficients of noble gases in water, J. Chem. Phys. 50, 1086-1088 (1969)

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  • J.W.R. Fennema, On the impact of protons on hydrogen atoms. II Fundamental aspects concerning the parametric treatment, Physica 43, 401-418 (1969)

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  • C.A. Visser, J. Wolleswinkel and J.H. Los, On the interaction of hyperthermal potassium atoms with a tungsten surface, Entropie 30, 61-64 (1969)

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  • J. Politiek and J.H. Los, A new type of surface ionization detector, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 40, 1576-79 (1969)

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