• J.H.F.M. Schopman, The dissociation of 10 keV HeH+ molecular ions, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1971-01-20

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  • T.R. Govers and J.H.F.M. Schopman, Translational spectroscopy of the unimolecular dissociation NO+ ® O+ + N, Chem. Phys. Lett. 12, 414-418 (1971)

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  • J.A. Cabral and H.J. Hopman: The measurement of the total distribution function f(v^, v||) in a magnetic field In: Tenth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases 1971. Oxford, England, September 13-18th, 1971, Parsons, 1971.

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  • H.J. Hopman: Evidence for explosive three-wave interaction In: Tenth International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases 1971, Oxford, England, September 13-18th, 1971, Parsons, 1971.

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  • J.H.F.M. Schopman, J.H. Los and J.G. Maas, The dissociation of 10 keV (HeH)+ molecular ions II. He+ fragments, Physica 51, 113-131 (1971)

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  • J.J.P. Elich, H.E. Roosendaal and D. Onderdelinden, Copper single crystal sputtering in the temperature range from 50 K to 600 K, Radiat. Eff. 10, 175-184 (1971)

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  • A.P.H. Goede, G.J. Brakenhoff, H.J. Hopman and P. Massmann, Production of a very quiescent plasma in "Skipping" magnetic fields, Phys.Rev.Lett. 27, 1044-1047 (1971)

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  • A.P.M. Baede, W.F. Jungmann and J.H. Los, Production of neutral alkali dimers by sputtering; total elastic cross sections of potassium dimers on the noble gases, Physica 54, 459-467 (1971)

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  • H. van Dop, A.J.H. Boerboom and J.H. Los, Energy-loss measurements of K+ ions in head-on collisions with He, H2 and D2, Physica 54, 223-236 (1971)

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  • S.J. Bijlsma, On surface waves in magnetohydrodynamics generated by a travelling pressure point, Plasma Phys. 13, 681-687 (1971)

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