• F. Burla, J. Tauber, S. Dussi, J. van der Gucht and G.H. Koenderink, Stress management in composite biopolymer networks, Nature Phys. 15, 549-553 (2019)

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  • S. Meuret, M. Solà-Garcia, T. Coenen, E. Kieft, H. Zeijlemaker, M. Latzel, S. Christiansen, S.Y. Woo, Y.H. Ra, Z. Mi and A. Polman, Complementary cathodoluminescence lifetime imaging configurations in a scanning electron microscope, Ultramicroscopy 197, 28-38 (2019)

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  • G.A. King, F. Burla, E.J.G. Peterman and G.J.L. Wuite, A Versatile Method to Quantify DNA-Protein Interactions on Negatively Supercoiled DNA, Biophys. J. 116, (3), 214a-214a (2019)

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  • K. Guo and A.F. Koenderink, Spatial Intensity Distribution in Plasmonic Particle Array Lasers, Phys. Rev. Appl. 11, (2), 024025: 1-12 (2019)

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  • Y. Mulla, The cell: strong, soft matter, VU University Amsterdam, 2019-02-08

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  • T. Xu, C. Langouras, M.A. Koudehi, B.E. Vos, N. Wang, G.H. Koenderink, X. Huang and D. Vavylonis, Automated Tracking of Biopolymer Growth and Network Deformation with TSOAX, Sci. Rep. 9, 1717: 1-13 (2019)

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  • T.R. Sokolowski, J. Paijmans, L. Bossen, T. Miedema, M. Wehrens, N.B. Becker, K. Kaizu, K. Takahashi, A.M. Dogterom and P.R. ten Wolde, eGFRD in all dimensions, J. Chem. Phys. 150, (5), 054108: 1-24 (2019)

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  • J.M. Poulton, P.R. ten Wolde and T.E. Ouldridge, Nonequilibrium correlations in minimal dynamical models of polymer copying, PNAS 116, (6), 1946-1951 (2019)

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  • N. Talebi, S. Meuret, S. Guo, M. Hentschel, A. Polman, H. Giessen and P.A. van Aken, Merging transformation optics with electron-driven photon sources, Nature Commun. 10, 599: 1-8 (2019)

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  • K.A. Ganzinger and P. Schwille, More from less – bottom-up reconstitution of cell biology, J.Cell Sci. 132, jcs227488: 1-11 (2019)

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