• L. Smit, R.M. Tromp and J.F. van der Veen, Ion beam crystallography of silicon surfaces IV. Si(111)-(2x1), Surf. Sci. 163, 315-334 (1985)

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  • J.T.N. Kimman, Electron spectroscopy of He and NO using electron impact and multiphoton ionisation, VU University Amsterdam, 1984-12-11

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  • G.N.A. van Veen, Excited species from photoframentation, Utrecht University, 1984-12-03

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  • W.C. Sinke, Een zonnige kijk op energie - zonnecellen : hoe staat het ermee en wat zijn de verwachtingen, Ned. Tijdschr. Fot., 13-24 (1984)

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  • P.J.M. van Bommel, Surface generation of negative hydrogen, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1984-06-06

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  • R.A. Haring, Chemical sputtering induced by kev ion bombardment, Leiden University, 1984-04-11

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  • J.W. Dallinga, Unimolecular fragmentation reactions of uncharged and charged (di)carboxylic acids and cyclohexanediols studied by (tandem) mass spectrometry, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1984-03-14

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  • R.W. Wagenaar, Small angle elastic scattering of electrons by noble gas atoms, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1984-02-15

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  • G.J.Q. van der Peyl, Desorption and ionization processes in laser mass spectrometry, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1984-01-18

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  • A. van der Kaaden, J.J. Boon, J.W. de Leeuw, F. de Lange, P.J.W. Schuyl, H.-R. Schulten and U. Bahr, Comparison of analytical pyrolysis techniques in the characterization of chitin, Anal. Chem. 56, 2160-2165 (1984)

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