• H.G. Muller, Photoionisation of atoms in strong radiation fields, VU University Amsterdam, 1985-12-03

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  • M.P. Bruijn, S. Chakraborty, H.W. van Essen, J. Verhoeven and M.J. van der Wiel: Automatic deposition of multilayer X-ray coatings with laterally graded d-spacing In: Applications of Thin-Film Multilayered Structures to Figured X-ray optics : August 20-22, 1985, San Diego, California /ed. G.F. Marshall, SPIE-The International Society for Optics and Photonics, 1985. - pp. 36-41

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  • L. Smit, The structure of cleaved semiconductor surfaces = De structuur van gekliefde halfgeleider oppervlakken, Utrecht University, 1985-10-14

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  • M.R. Spalburg, Studies on the dynamics of vibronic transitions, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1985-06-19

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  • D. Dijkkamp, Electron capture into excited states of multi-charged ions, Utrecht University, 1985-04-22

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  • E.J. van Loenen, Formation and structure of metal-silicon interfaces, Utrecht University, 1985-03-27

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  • M.J. van der Wiel, Lasertoepassingen bij de vervaardiging van microëlektronica, Natuurkd. Voordr. 63, 127-136 (1985)

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  • M. Gavrila and A. Maquet, Two-photon free-free transitions in a Coulomb potential, Phys. Rev. A 32, 2537-2540 (1985)

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  • W.C. Sinke, F.W. Saris, B.M. Ullrich, J.C. Barbour and J.W. Mayer: Solid-phase epitaxial regrowth of fine-grain polycrystalline silicon In: Energy Beam-Solid Interactions and Transient Thermal Processing, 1985, IV : May 13th - 15th 1985, Strasbourg (France) /ed. V.T. Nguyen and A.G. Cullis, Editions de Physique, 1985. - pp. 217-221

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  • G.J.Q. van der Peyl, W.J. van der Zande, R. Hoogerbrugge and P.G. Kistemaker, Kinetic energy distributions of organic ions sputtered from solids and liquids, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes 67, 147-159 (1985)

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