• W. Koot, W.J. van der Zande, P.H.P. Post and J.H. Los: Reflections on the H2 vibrational wave function: L-uncoupling and dipole moments In: Atomic Physics 11 : Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Atomic Physics, 4-8 July 1988, Paris, France, followed by Proceedings of the Symposium in honour of Jean Brossel, 9 July 1988, Paris, France /ed. S. Haroche, J.C. Gay and G. Grynberg, World Scientific, 1989. - pp. 387-402

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  • T.C.M. Horn, Catastrophes in surface scattering, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1988-09-28

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  • E. Vlieg, X-ray scattering from semiconductor surfaces and interfaces, Leiden University, 1988-09-27

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  • W.J. van der Zande, Energy redistribution in the dissociation of low Rydberg states of HeH of O2, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1988-08-24

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  • M.E.M. Spruit, Probing gas-surface interactions with a molecular beam, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1988-06-22

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  • W. Koot, Probing of low Rydberg state wavefunctions in H2, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1988-04-20

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  • R. Hoogerbrugge, Internal energy of sputtered and vapour phase molecules, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1988-03-23

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  • A.E.M.J. Fischer, Silicides on silicon: thin-film reaction and interface structure, Leiden University, 1988-03-23

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  • D. Frenkel, A.J. Kil, B.M. van der Doef and R.J.J. Zijlstra, Monte Carlo simulation of carrier number noise spectra in the integral quantum Hall regime, J. Phys. C 21, 177-183 (1988)

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