• L.A. Verhoef, Silicon solar cells: modelling, processing and characterization = Silicium zonnencellen: modellering, fabricage en karakterisering, Utrecht University, 1990-03-29

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  • M.G. Tenner, Steric effects in molecule-surface scattering, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1990-03-28

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  • B. Pluis, Surface-induced melting of lead, Leiden University, 1990-03-27

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  • W.G.T. Kranendonk, Computer simulations of models for colloidal systems = computer simulaties van modellen voor collo, Utrecht University, 1990-03-12

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  • R. Hoekstra, Photons shedding light on electron capture by highly charged ions, University of Groningen, 1990-03-09

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  • S. Roorda, Relaxation and crystallization of amorphous silicon = Relaxatie en kristallisatie van amorf silicium, Utrecht University, 1990-03-01

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  • M. Pont, The behaviour of atomic hydrogen in superintense, high-frequency laser fields, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1990-02-28

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  • W.H. Urbanus, DC and RF ion accelerator for meV energies, Utrecht University, 1990-01-18

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  • J.G. Bannenberg: MEQALAC, the other RF accelerator In: Topical Problems of Accelerator and Applied Heavy Ion Physics : Aktuelle Probleme der Beschleuniger- und Angewandten Schwerionenphysik, GSI-90-29 Report, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, 1990. - pp. 10-12

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  • E. van der Heijden, J.J. Boon and M.A. Scheijen: Pyrolysis mass spectrometric mapping of selected peats and peatified plant tissues In: Peat 90; international conference on peat production and use /ed. R. Sopo, The association of finnish peat industries, 1990. - pp. 148-163

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