• K.S. Min, K.V. Shcheglov, C.M. Yang, H.A. Atwater, M.L. Brongersma and A. Polman, The role of quantum-confined excitons vs defects in the visible luminescnence of SiO2 films containing Ge nanocrystals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 2511-2513 (1996)

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  • D.S. Wiersma, Light in strongly scattering and amplifying random media, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1995-11-21

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  • M.J.P. Brugmans, Relaxation kinetics in disordered dense phases, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1995-11-16

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  • R. Schlatmann, Control of multilayer x-ray mirror properties, VU University Amsterdam, 1995-10-26

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  • H.A. van der Vegt, Surfactants in homoepitaxial metal growth, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1995-09-18

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  • R.J.W.E. Lahaye, Simulations of surface scattering, VU University Amsterdam, 1995-09-11

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  • E.R.E. van der Hage, Pyrolysis mass spectrometry of lignin polymers, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1995-05-18

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  • M. Lohmeier, Structure and formation of semiconductor interfaces, University of Amsterdam UvA, 1995-05-02

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  • C. Leguijt, Surface passivation for silicon solar cells, Utrecht University, 1995-04-26

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  • E. Snoeks, Optical doping of silica by erbium ion implantation, Utrecht University, 1995-04-26

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