• A. Cumberworth, D. Frenkel and A. Reinhardt, Simulations of DNA-Origami Self-Assembly Reveal Design-Dependent Nucleation Barriers, Nano Lett. 22, (17), 6916-6922 (2022)

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  • K.J.H. Peters and S.R.K. Rodriguez, Exceptional Precision of a Nonlinear Optical Sensor at a Square-Root Singularity, , (2022)

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  • J.J.H. Traets, S.N. van der Burght, S. Rademakers, G. Jansen and J.S. van Zon, Mechanism of life-long maintenance of neuron identity despite molecular fluctuations, eLife 10, e66955: 1-28 (2021)

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  • H. Bense and M. van Hecke, Complex pathways and memory in compressed corrugated sheets, PNAS 118, (50), e2111436118: 1-7 (2021)

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  • C. Alkemade, Reconstituting microtubule-actin coordination by cytolinkers, Delft University of Technology, 2021-12-13

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  • L. McGovern, G. Grimaldi, M.H. Futscher, E.M. Hutter, L.A. Muscarella, M.C. Schmidt and B. Ehrler, Reduced Barrier for Ion Migration in Mixed-Halide Perovskites, ACS Appl.Energy Mater. 4, (12), 13431-13437 (2021)

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  • R.D. Buijs, T.A.W. Wolterink, G. Gerini, A.F. Koenderink and E. Verhagen, Information advantage from polarization-multiplexed readout of nanophotonic scattering overlay sensors, Opt. Express 29, (26), 42900-42910 (2021)

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  • J.T.B. Overvelde, Popping, locking robots, Nature Mater. 20, (12), 1590-1591 (2021)

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